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9-Week Multisport Base 10-12 Hours/Week

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9-Week Multisport Base 10-12 Hours/Week


Campfire Endurance

All plans by this Coach


9 Weeks

Plan Description

This plan is primarily endurance focused, so you won’t see much in terms of intensity scattered throughout, although we will certainly do some uptempo work to get you prepared for the training that will come later in the season. This plan is best used coupled with another plan that can follow-on from this one, such as our half-iron or full-distance plan (if you combine this with the full-distance plan, you can get 45 weeks of your training year covered with just TWO plans).

This plan progresses from around 11 hours in the first week to a peak of 13 hours, averaging just over 11 hours when the two weeks devoted to testing and recovery, respectively, are included. You will build time over the first four weeks, test in the fifth week (testing information is below), and then build for another three weeks before taking an easy buffer week ahead of shifting to your next plan. You should finish this plan without much residual fatigue, since you are primarily building your endurance capabilities.

You will need a pull buoy, paddles, fins, a Finis Tempo Trainer, and a heart-rate monitor (if you use one) and/or a power meter on the bike (if you use one). This whole plan can done via RPE, however, if you don’t like using technology such as HRMs and power meters.

How it Works

Load Your Plan

Quickly view upcoming workouts in the TrainingPeaks app.

Workout and Analyze

Upload completed workouts from your favorite tracking app or device.

Track Your Progress

Get feedback, stay on top of your training and perform at your best.

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Training Plan Sample Week


Average Weekly Breakdown

Workouts Weekly Average Longest Workout
Run x5
03:01:00 01:45:00
Swim x3
02:24:00 01:00:00
Bike x3
04:33:00 02:30:00
Strength x2
01:08:00 00:45:00
Custom x1
—— ——
Workouts Per Week Weekly Average Longest Workout
Run Run
03:01:00 01:45:00
Swim Swim
02:24:00 01:00:00
Bike Bike
04:33:00 02:30:00
Strength Strength
01:08:00 00:45:00
Other Custom
—— ——

Training Load By Week

This plan works best with the following fitness devices:

Campfire Endurance Coaching

Campfire Endurance Coaching

Campfire Endurance Coaching helps our clients become faster, happier, and healthier athletes and people. By employing a holistic approach, we coach the entire person, communicating with them regularly to ensure they progress towards their sporting goals. We work with all levels of athlete, beginner through professional, and we treat everyone the same way, because being responsible for someone's athletic dreams is a big responsibility, and we take it very seriously.

  • This plan includes a Free Basic TrainingPeaks Account.
  • Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps.
  • Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs.
  • Plan for your event in the TrainingPeaks calendar.
  • Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train.
  • Completed workouts sync with popular apps like Garmin and Wahoo. Learn More
  • If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Learn More

Refund Policy

This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author.

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