Hunter Allen
Hunter Allen Peaks Coaching Group, Inc.
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Hunter Allen
Hunter Allen Peaks Coaching Group, Inc.
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Bedford, VA , United States


English, Spanish

Sport Types
  • Road Cycling
  • Cyclocross
  • 1-on-1 Coaching
  • Consultations
  • Group Coaching
  • Local Coaching
  • Remote Coaching
  • Nutrition
  • Mental Skills
  • Training Camps
Athlete Requirements
An open mind and desire to learn, willingness to listen and burning desire for success.
Meet Your Coach
Hunter Allen
Hunter Allen Peaks Coaching Group, Inc.
Bedford, VA United States 24523
Coach Bio

Our coaches are the experts in training with a power meter and data analysis. If you are looking for the best, then Peaks Coaching Group will exceed your expectations and help maximize your training time. We also can help you with race tactics, nutrition, power training, skill development and we also have 4-6 cycling camps each year.

We have many service levels that we offer. Please see detailed descriptions on We also consulting and provide custom coaching weekends.

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I am a former professional cyclist for Team Navigators and has raced for over seventeen years. I co-authored the book on training with power "Training and Racing with a Power Meter" and founded Peaks Coaching Group, one of the top coaching companies in the world. I also co-wrote the book, "CuttingEdge Cycling". I co-developed the WKO+ software on TrainingPeaks and have been leading the training with power industry since 2003. I have coached over 500 athletes, from beginners, to gran fondo/century riders to national champions to riders in the Tour De France and Olympics. I work with all levels of cyclists in order to help them shortcut their learning curve. I always wanted a coach myself when I was a pro and felt that I wasted two years of my life with "hit and miss" training. My goal has always been to teach athletes how to maximize their training and racing potential through professional analysis of their power data. As a coach, I make sure to look at each athlete as a whole person. I believe we are human beings working closely with other human beings , and it's important to me to work hard to find your strengths and weaknesses and to help you improve your skills, then develop a realistic plan that works for life. It is important that a coach learn as much as he can about you as an athlete and as a person in order to better develop a plan for success. If you want the best in power training, look no further.

Preferred Athlete Levels
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional
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414 Jackson St
Bedford, VA
United States

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