It isn’t necessarily news that cycling is bad for your dental health, but just how nasty are the implications of consuming enormous amounts of carbohydrates in this modern age of sport? Source Endurance sat down with Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) and avid cyclist Solomon Cantwell to shed light on the possible damage caused by high-carb consumption and how to do your best to mitigate the negative effects. Health and performance are not always the same thing.
High Carbs Equal High Decay
According to Dr. Cantwell, endurance athletes, from amateurs to pros, experience tooth decay and missing teeth, as well as a myriad of other dental problems at rates much higher than the general population. Cavities and tooth decay are caused by bacteria that feed on carbohydrate sources such as glucose and fructose. Bacteria eat sugars on the surface of your teeth and produce acid that wears away the enamel layer and causes cavities. High carbohydrates in training and racing have exploded over the last several years to the point where cyclists racing the Tour de France take in upwards of 120 grams of carbohydrates per hour daily. For reference, a two-liter bottle of Coke has about 220 grams of carbohydrates in the form of sucrose, so during a six-hour stage, the sugar intake is almost equivalent to drinking three two-liter bottles of Coke. It doesn’t take a lot of extrapolation to think that this is bad for your teeth.
It’s All About the Balance
When it comes to high-carb drink mix, it’s actually a double whammy of adverse effects on dental health. Not only are there extremely high sugar levels, but almost every drink mix on the market has a low pH. Streptococcus Mutans are the primary bacteria responsible for tooth decay and enamel degradation. This bacteria thrives in an acidic environment at a pH of 5.5 and lower. For reference, drinking water has a pH of 6.5-8.5, coffee has a pH of 4.8-5.1, and Coke has a pH of 2.5, quite acidic.
Sodium intake may also play a role in oral health. Everyone has different needs when it comes to salt intake, and sodium isn’t inherently bad for oral health, but in the proper context, it can play a harmful role. Some evidence suggests that an increase in sodium affects the body’s ability to use calcium, potentially leading to mineral loss in the teeth, especially if you are already prone to low bone density, as many cyclists are. Excessive sodium can also create a dry environment in the mouth, leading to unhealthy gums.

Performance Implications of Periodontal Disease
In most cases, periodontal disease, or periodontitis, starts with plaque. Plaque is a thin, sticky film made primarily of bacteria. Plaque, if left untreated, can cause gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. This inflammation of the gums can lead to deep pockets between your gums and teeth. Plus, this ongoing inflammation can strain your immune system, causing other health problems and potentially harming cycling performance. There hasn’t been much scientific research on the topic, but correlating periodontal disease with decreased exercise performance doesn’t take too big of a step in logic. Suppose your body constantly releases inflammatory cytokines into the bloodstream from inflammation in your gums. In that case, this detracts from the recovery process, and everything adds up in this world of marginal gains.
Habits that Help Promote Dental Health
OK, so high-carb on the bike is advantageous for cycling performance and recovery but quite detrimental to oral and dental health. Like I said before, health and performance are not the same thing, but what healthy habits can we implement to mitigate the damage of high carbohydrate intake? Dr. Cantwell says a good first step is picking drink mixes with higher or neutral pH. Hammer Nutrition’s Heed can be a good option, as it has a neutral pH.
Dr. Cantwell also recommends liquid carbs over solid, as the sticky, gummy foods (i.e., Shot Bloks) tend to stay on the surface of your teeth longer. Brushing your teeth 20 minutes post-ride is a good habit to get into. The acids in your mouth after eating soften your enamel, so brushing immediately is more likely to cause excess enamel wear. Using one bottle of concentrated carbs and one bottle of plain old water to swish in your teeth can also help mitigate damage. I have even seen some riders going as far as bringing a travel toothbrush with them on rides and brushing mid-ride to support their dental health. Choosing the right toothpaste is vital. Look for a paste with Hydroxyapatite, which can help remineralize your teeth.
It doesn’t seem like high-carb is going anywhere, so being dental aware is important for the longevity of oral health. If you are a young rider, you may not have had any concerns yet, but you only have one set of teeth, so forming healthy habits early in your athletic journey will pay dividends. Start following these tips to reduce oral damage caused by high carbs!
Cantwell DDS, Solomon. Interview, 15 January 2024.
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