Half-Marathon Training Plan - Level 5
Half-Marathon Training Plan - Level 5
16 Weeks
Plan Description
The Cutting-Edge Runner Half-MarathonTraining Plan, Level 5, is recommended for runners who want to complete a successful half-marathon race in 12 to 16 weeks and whose current fitness level allows them to run about 5 times per week, up to 50 minutes per run.
The first 4 weeks of the plan are optional, making it adjustable from 12 to 16 weeks. If you choose to do fewer than 16 weeks of the plan, it is hoped that your recent training has been similar to the first 1-4 weeks of this plan.
The workout schedule includes 5 runs per week, plus 2 optional strength workouts per week. It begins with a weekly total of 3 hours and 11 minutes of running and builds up to 5 hours and 1 minute.
All of the running workouts are based on the Cutting-Edge Runner Pace Zone Index (PZI), which allows you to do every step of every workout at precisely the right effort level for you. Learn more about the PZI system here: https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/using-pace-zone-index-pzi/ The PZI table that you will use to determine your zones based on a race race or time-trial performance is attached to the first workout in the plan itself.
Key workouts in this plan include the following:
Foundation Runs: Steady runs of 0:35 to 0:55 done mainly at Moderate Aerobic pace (Pace Zone 3)
Foundation Runs + Strides: Foundation Runs followed by 4-6 30-second bursts at Speed pace (Pace Zone 10)
Long Runs: Steady runs of 1:00 to 2:10 done mainly at Moderate Aerobic pace
Cruise Intervals: Runs featuring a couple of longer intervals run at Threshold pace (Pace Zone 6)
Tempo Runs: Runs featuring a sustained segment of Threshold pace running sandwiched between a warm-up and cool-down
Short Intervals (1): Runs featuring 30- to 60-second intervals at VO2max pace separated by jogging recoveries at Low Aerobic pace (Pace Zone 2)
Short Intervals (2): Runs featuring 60- to 90-second intervals at Speed pace (Pace Zone 10) separated by longer, 3-minute jogging recoveries
Long Intervals: Runs featuring 3-minute intervals at VO2max pace separated by jogging recoveries at Low Aerobic pace (Pace Zone 2)
A 10K tune-up race is scheduled at the end of week 12. If you can't find a suitable 10K race to do that day, you may run a 10K time trial instead.
Weeks 4, 8, and 12 of the plan are recovery weeks. Training is slightly reduced in these weeks to afford an opportunity to absorb recent training and prepare for more challenging training to follow. Week 16 – race week – is a taper week, meaning training tapers down during the week to ensure you’re rested and ready to perform on race day.
How it Works
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Training Plan Sample Week
Friday Sample Workout Details
Average Weekly Breakdown
Workouts | Weekly Average | Longest Workout |
03:58:00 | 02:10:00 |
Day Off
—— | —— |
00:38:00 | 00:20:00 |
Workouts Per Week | Weekly Average | Longest Workout | |
03:58:00 | 02:10:00 | |
—— | —— | |
00:38:00 | 00:20:00 |
Training Load By Week
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- Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train.
- Completed workouts sync with popular apps like Garmin and Wahoo. Learn More
- If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. Learn More
Refund Policy
This plan is protected by our Refund Policy and may, with the author's approval, be exchanged for a plan of equal value from the same author.
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