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VIDEO: Excerpt From Carrie Cheadle’s Online Webinar “Get On Top of Your Mental Game”

BY Carrie Jackson

In this clip from mental skills expert Carrie Cheadle, she discusses one of the top-five mental challenges she sees endurance athletes face.

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When we’re preparing for an event, we often log a certain number of training hours each week, but how often do we consider how much time we are or should be putting toward our mental skills development? In this clip from her recent TrainingPeaks webinar, Carrie Cheadle explains why you should tally up those hours as well; because if you’re leaving your performance entirely up to physical prowess and chance—you might be selling yourself short.

Interested in learning what the other four mental challenges are? 
You can find the rest of Cheadle’s online webinar here.

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About Carrie Jackson

Carrie Jackson is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant and expert in the field of sport and peak performance psychology. She is the co-author of the book Rebound: Train Your Mind to Bounce Back Stronger from Sports Injuries, as well as co-host of the podcast The Injured Athletes Club. She also runs a Mastermind to help coaches Level Up their coaching businesses. Sign up for her Mental Training Email List and find out more about her programs over at www.carriejackson.com. Follow her @feedtheathlete