Posts by Cody Stephenson

screen capture of the PMC in TrainingPeaks of the last 180 and next 45 days

The Science of the TrainingPeaks Performance Manager


Dr. Andy Coggan explains the incredible science behind the Performance Management Chart in TrainingPeaks.

The Comprehensive Guide to Creating an Annual Training Plan


Update – Click here for a complete, free, in-depth mini course on using the Annual Training Plan.   The Annual Training Plan (ATP) is a macro-level tool that allows users to map out a long-term training plan using periodization. Periodization is a method by which one varies the type, intensity, and duration of training throughout a training year […]

TrainingPeaks Calendar Refresh


Read about the research behind the latest TrainingPeaks Calendar updates, including color and font changes for an improved user experience.

TrainingPeaks and SuuntoPlus Bring You Real-Time Training Metrics


TrainingPeaks metrics are now available to use in real-time on Suunto 9 and 5 watches.

How to View and Use Peak Performances


Peak Performances allow you to quickly see progress toward your goals through peak power, heart rate or pace numbers on all bike and run workouts.

Glossary of TrainingPeaks Metrics


Glossary of the most commonly used acronyms and terms related to the advanced metrics in TrainingPeaks such as TSS®, IF® and FTP.

How to Use TrainingPeaks Home View on Mobile


With Home View on TrainingPeaks mobile, it’s easier than ever to track your fitness, set your goals, and monitor your performance.

Plan Workouts More Efficiently With These 6 TrainingPeaks Tips


Planning workouts for athletes is a fundamental task of coaching. Whether you are a new coach looking to establish good habits, or an experienced coach looking to save a little time, following our best practices should help efficiently plan high-quality workouts for your athletes.

Introduction to TrainingPeaks Metrics

An Introduction to TrainingPeaks Metrics


Everything you need to know to get started tracking important TrainingPeaks metrics so you can accurately plan your training and measure your progress.

a coach works in the TrainingPeaks web app

Get the Most Out of TrainingPeaks


Once you have a plan and are familiar with the basic tools in TrainingPeaks, there are a few things you can do to get the most out of TrainingPeaks.